Rocket Matter



We at Cindy Allen & Associates are very excited about our new Rocket Matter client portal!  We want to inform all of our clients about this awesome new service we offer and how they can benefit from it as well.

What is Rocket Matter?
Rocket Matter is a law firm practice management system that allows us to integrate calendars, billing, timekeeping, and document managing into one centralized software system.  This allows us to be more efficient for our clients in every way!  Through this system, we offer a new service called the client portal.  This exciting new feature will allow us to easily share monthly billing invoices, important court documents, and urgent correspondence.  It also allows clients to log on and pay their monthly bills online from home.  By using the portal, we will be able to communicate and share with our clients easily and proficiently!

How do I use Rocket Matter as a client?
We have sent the invitations to all of our clients’ emails, and it really only takes a few short minutes to set up an account!  It is a very quick and easy process.  All you need to do is…
1. Click on the link provided in the invitation email.
2. Register with a username and a password of your choice.
3. Then just sign in and begin using this awesome new tool!

We are very excited about this new feature and we hope you are too!  Rocket Matter will allow us to integrate our operations, communicate with our clients, and overall become more efficient for everyone!  If you are having any trouble setting up your account or need any further instruction, please do not hesitate to contact our office with any questions or concerns!

First Annual Downtown Norman Fall Fest

We are so excited to announce that the Law Office of Cindy Allen & Associates will be sponsoring and participating in the First Annual Downtown Norman Fall Fest!  We will be decorating our office with spooky decor and handing out candy to all the trick-or-treaters!  We are looking forward to this family fun night to celebrate Halloween!  So everyone come by Cindy Allen & Associates for some Halloween fun on Friday, October 25th, 2013!!

Trick or Treat

New Bankruptcy Website

Cindy Allen and Associates are please to announce that our new bankruptcy page is now online.  As our office grows our bankruptcy cases have taken a dramatic leap upwards.  Now we plan to take our bankruptcy practice to the next level, and with it our new website.  Come check out our page at and give our office a call if you want to schedule a free consultation, or if you have any questions concerning eligibility. Image


Once a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is filed, the parties will be served with the Petition, Summons and an Automatic Temporary Injunction (ATI).  First thing you must do is make sure your get counsel so that you file the proper Response with the Court within 20 days of being served.  The next thing you must do is obey the ATI.  So what does this pesky piece of legal mumbo jumbo do, and why you should not violate it?  That is what I hope to explain in this blog post.

Why is the Automatic Temporary Injunction Important?:

The Automatic Temporary Injunction or ATI, Title 43 §110, is meant to put a stop to you or your spouse from depleting the bank account, running up a credit card, selling off the cars, canceling the insurance, life insurance policies, shutting off the utilities, taking out a loan, and many other dastardly deeds to enrage the other party.  Now unless you’re maniacal, this should be a good thing and grant you some sort of relief, knowing that your assets are safe until the final decree is ordered.  However, if you are the one getting ready to file the Petition, you may want to take care of certain financial affairs, like opening a new checking account and transferring half of the marital funds into, stopping the automatic withdrawals from coming out of the marital account and most importantly, make sure you paycheck is auto-deposited into the new account.

The ATI also serves as more than just a financial safeguard.  It also is meant to protect the children from the marriage.  These injunctions put into place a legally binding document that prevents you or your spouse from hiding or secreting away the child(ren).  It also serves to prevent molesting or disturbing the peace of both you and your children.  This covers harassing phone calls, coming to your work or the children’s school and definitely coming to and harassing you at your home.  Although the other party may choose to violate the injunction, it usually carries heavy penalties when you go to hearing, and it can serve as a basis for an emergency action.  Be sure and let your attorney know if the other party has violated the ATI, so that the Judge can handle the problems at the next court hearing.

One thing that most people do not think of when they move out of the house as a result of a pending divorce is their mail.  Now this may not be as important as their children or financials, but mail is personal and should not be opened by your spouse, just because they are still living in the marital home.  The ATI is designed to carry a consequence if the opposing party is opening and reading your personal mail; although this may be hard to prove.  If you are the person who is moving out of the house, consider informing any persons who may be sending mail to you personally of your new address, especially your attorney or family member/friend. You may want to talk to your post office employee to determine the best way to transfer your mail without diverting the entire house.  We suggest getting a post office box where only you have the key, especially if you are staying at family or a friend’s house for a few weeks while you find a new place.

The last thing that is important about an ATI is the protection it grants to your important documents, especially those that are going to be important to your case in the discovery process, and will most likely be used to determine child support, alimony, or can help when you and your spouse jointly own a business.  The ATI prohibits the other party from destroying any documents, both electronic and real.  As mentioned in Part 1, these documents you may want to copy before you leave the house, but in case you leave in a hurry or at an inappropriate time (like an argument) and do not want to belabor the issue by trying to procure a copy of the tax returns you are protected.

Needless to say, the Automatic Temporary Injunction is extremely crucial to your divorce and can lead to a smoother and more amicable divorce.  So why is it important not to violate the ATI?

Well simply put, you don’t want to hack off the Judge before you even get to the first Court hearing.  The ATI is law, it is an Order, and if you violate it you will be held in contempt of that order.  If you do not understand the Automatic Temporary Injunction you need to contact an attorney immediately upon service.  This document is serious and this blog should not serve as a substitute to calling an attorney, setting up a consult, and getting legal expertise and clarification.  A violation of an ATI can and has been known to result in fines and/or imprisonment.  This is not the way to start off a divorce, and can result in dragging out your divorce and costing you a lot of extra money and heartache.


In Cleveland County Oklahoma last year there were just over 1500 divorce or legal separation cases filed.  This is a staggering number of cases in a county that boasts 240,000 people.  Odds are that during the year you will hear about 4 divorces happening to acquaintances, 2 happening to friends, and 1 might have happened to you.  In fact, there was an average of 1800 new marriage licenses issued in 2011.  So the marriage to divorce ratio results in about 83% of marriages ending in divorce.  These dismal numbers are not meant to dissuade you from marriage, but they should stick with you when you encounter those 4 acquaintances, 2 friends, and possibly yourself in 2012.

The pure purpose of this blog entry is not to give you some “un-checked” statistics about the deplorable state of marriage in Cleveland County Oklahoma, but it is to give you few hints on how you might avoid a bitterly long, knock-down, drag-out divorce.

The first common mistake is overreaction.  Don’t call up your friend who religiously watched Jerry Springer, and now that it is off air has a vacant hole in her life that she wants to fill by inflaming your rage and emotions towards your perfidious spouse.

Overreaction to a proposed divorce, whatever the cause, also leads you to a lot of mistakes. Don’t just throw a plate or punch a hole in the wall and storm out the door leaving your life behind.

Why give up the house, your car, the kids, photos, documents, computers, and the dog to the spouse who is at least partially responsible for the failed marriage.  Getting a divorce is a long process that often takes up to a year to complete. The divorce is not final until the Judge says so, so for the time being try to hang on to your life sans the spouse.

When you start the divorce you are going spend an estimated $1,000.00 extra trying to get a copy of the bank statements, car titles, photos, and tax returns.  These production materials are essential to any divorce and should be kept close at hand.  Keeping cool and pre-planning your exodus, you can save thousands of dollars on attorney fees, by simply getting copies of all of your important financial documents and taking them with you.

Finally, before you file for divorce, or make take your things and leave, you should meet with an attorney.  You should do something that helps you deal with the end of your marriage.  Get advice from an experienced attorney and ultimately you will approach your divorce smarter and with a more level head.

If you are going through a similar circumstance call the office of Cindy Allen and Associates (405) 701-8856.  Our experienced staff and expert lawyers will help you weigh out the situation and proceed in a logical and successful manner.


Dear Readers:


Welcome to the new blog site for Cindy Allen & Associates, formerly the Law Office of Cindy Allen.  I would like to take a moment to introduce our office to you, our burgeoning readers.  Our firm is comprised of a unique element of Attorney, Staff, and Client relationships.  We believe in putting our clients first and aggressively fighting for their rights.  The synergy created between our firm and the client works to better represent the client, and to proactively work towards resolving the case with our client best interests in mind.  Our practice areas include both Family and Criminal law, please check out our website at  At Cindy Allen & Associates we have two attorneys, Cindy Allen, owner and proprietor, with fifteen years of experience and our new Associate Counsel, Julia Mills.  We at all times keep a staff of a Legal Assistant and two University of Oklahoma, College of Law Interns.  When you call our office you will receive the friendly greeting of our secretary and receptionist, Danielle Smith, who will assist you in setting up a consultation or just helping you learn more about our firm.  Our office is currently located in Norman, Oklahoma in the Transcript Press Building at 222 E. Eufaula St. STE 240.  We look forward to hearing from you and forming a relationship to help you, the client, resolve your legal issue.




The Staff

Cindy Allen & Associates